

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

STEP 1: Navigate to Procedure Pathways

  1. Select the Procedure Pathways menu option from the menu panel on the left of the dashboard screen. Click on Procedure Pathways from the drop-down on the menu panel on the left of the dashboard screen. Tick on a pathway from the list for the next step

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  2. You can also navigate to Procedure Pathways by clicking on the “Procedure Pathways” option directly from the home page of the dashboard.


STEP 2: Duplicate the pathway

Click on the Copy button from the top right corner of the screen(Image 1).

Review the details and click on Duplicate to create a copy of the pathway(Image 2).



Image 1


Image 2


STEP 3: Publish/Unpublish pathways

  1. Click on the X button from the top right corner of the screen to unpublish the pathway.

  2. You will get a warning modal. Click on OK to confirm unpublishing a pathway.

    Image Removed


STEP 4: Deleting the Pathway

  1. Click on the Dustbin from the top right corner of the screen to delete the pathway.

  2. You will get a warning modal. Click on OK to confirm deleting the pathway.



 STEP 5. View Individual details inside the created pathway

Click on the individuals inside a pathway and that would display the individual details. Below is the screenshot where it is navigated to individuals-details.



You can also add a new patient to the pathway by clicking on the “New patient” option present on the right-hand corner and fill in the required details of the patient.




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