Perform the following steps if the super admin or hospital admins need to create a document.
Step 1:
Creating the document in Carbon Editor
1.1 Log into the idm account using your credentials and click on Applications>Carbon Editor to navigate to the carbon editor platform where all the documents are present.
Enter the document name and click on “Save”.
Note: If the document is meant for Super Admin , then please add the procedure title with the name of the document. For example add Hip/Knee or Incisional/Inguinal with the document title
If the document is for a hospital, add the hospital name along with the procedure title for the name of the document.
For example add Hospital A Hip/Hospital A Knee or Hospital A Incisional/Hospital A Inguinal with document title.
Now click on the created document to create new pages inside the document.
2.6 Scroll down and update the meta tags if needed. Doing this, you can search the content using tags which has the same name but different content.
In the minimum please add the procedure name, content type, language, and global/hospital tag
Image 2.6
STEP 3: Export the
created document to Ubiquity Dashboard
3.1 Click on the “Versions and Exports” button and not the drop-down to export the document as ubiquity.
4.3. Select “Name and Description” option and fill in the details. Click on “Save” button.
Note: Here you add the name of the document without the procedure details or the hospital name. This name is the one that will show in the app for patients
Image 4.3
4.4. Finally select “Publishing”, Select the “Document Availability” as “Free”. save it. Select the latest version and click on “Publish” button.