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One of the most popular methods of monetising an app is to offer selected content as paid, downloadable In-app Purchases (IAPs).

You can make downloadable issues of your Liquid State library app available as IAPs.


InfoIt is a good idea to test your content before you release it as an IAP. To test an IAP, you can make your content available as a free download within a draft app

make documents in your app available as IAPs.


Setting up IAPs in

the Liquid State Cloud InfoThe Liquid State Cloud is also referred to as the


Dashboard for enterprise users. 

To make your issue document available as a downloadable IAPan IAP, follow these instructions: How to: Publish or Update a New Downloadable IssueDocument.

During this process, select For Purchase as the Pricing Type, and indicate that your IAP has been submitted and approved in the relevant developer portal.



Your IAP cannot be approved by the relevant platform app store unless you have already made it available.

You should select Yes under the Approved by [Apple/Microsoft] heading, even though your IAP has not yet been approved for release on the platform app store.

This option is outdated and will be removed soon.

 select Paid for under the Document Availability heading.


Setting up IAPs in Platform Developer Portals

Once you have made your issue available as a downloadable IAP for your chosen platform(s)your document available as an IAP, you will need to configure your IAP in the relevant platforms' developer portals.

For more information on creating IAP products for iOS , and Android, and Windows Phone apps, see: