App Users Overview

Liquid State supports both public apps and private apps.

Public apps allow anyone who has installed your app on their device to access all published content. Private apps require app users to register and sign in before they can access the app's content. For a more detailed explanation of public and private apps, see the Ubiquity System Overview.

App User Configuration

By default, all apps are public apps. In order to make an app a private app, you must enable app users. You can also revert a private app back to a public app by disabling app users. See below for explanations of enabling and disabling app users, and the relevant implications.

App User Maintenance

With app users enabled, you can perform some app user maintenance by accessing the Users sub-tab within the App Users tab.

Liquid State Ubiquity Advanced App User Features

Liquid State Ubiquity users have access to a range of advanced app user features. These advanced features include app user groups, segmented messaging, and segmented publishing.