Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Advanced Search


Advanced Search is a feature that allows Carbon Editor users to search for particular documents or pages inside a Space. A range of circumstances can affect what type of document a user wants to view and the Advanced Search function accommodates for this.

Advanced Searches can be run on Documents and Pages. Changing the search query will, in turn, display different results.

Items & Terms that are Searchable

Advanced Search can run queries on a range of terms or items that you might find useful. These include:

  • Name
  • Category
  • Creation date
  • Last modified date
  • Last exported date
  • Last versioned date
  • Review status
  • Tags
  • Metadata

By applying logic to your searches, the Advanced Search feature will return results from inside Carbon Editor.

Run a Search

To run a search:

  1. Login to Carbon Editor
  2. Ensure you're in the correct Organisation and Space
  3. Click on a Document Category that you're interested in 
  4. Click the drop-down next to Search 
  5. Select Advanced from the list of items
  6. A new screen will appear with fields that you can fill-in to search your Space
  7. To add another rule to your search click the + Add Rule button
  8. This will allow you to query to rules at the same time in a document
  9. Once you have entered all the information to run your search, click the Search button.

You can enter close to any searchable term or metric you can think of. For a step-by-step guide on searching Documents and Pages, follow below.

Save a Search

After entering terms and additional rules into a search query, you can Save Search to save the collection of terms and rules. This will allow you to run the search in the future without having to re-enter all the data.

  1. Run a Search by following the instructions above
  2. Click the Save button to the top right of the panel
  3. Enter a name for the saved search
  4. To Share the Search to other users of the Organisation and/or Space, click Share Search

    Sharing a search will allow other users in your Space access the same search query you saved. They cannot edit this though - simply search.

  5. Saved Searches will display in the Saved Searches page where you can search other saved queries.

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