Exporting a Document

Exporting a Document

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The sections in this page has video tutorials in the bottom of the page. If you do not understand the written text and use the video as reference.

Document Export Overview

Documents created in Carbon Editor can be exported to HTML, XML, InDesign, PDF or directly to Liquid State Ubiquity.

Exports are created based on static versions of the Document.

All versions of a Document are permanently saved, so exports can be created from historic Document versions.

This allows Editors to make changes to a Document without needing to worry about overwriting previous work.

Access Document Versions

To access the versions of a Document:
  1. Navigate to the Document Category in which the relevant Document sits. Within the Document Category view, identify the Document in the list.
  2. Click the arrow in the Actions column to open the Actions dropdown menu.
  3. From the dropdown, click Document Versions. 
  4. You will be taken to the Versions view for the Document, which contains a list of all versions of the Document that have been created.
    1. If there are no versions listed, click the Create Version button to create a new version of the Document.
  5. If you are unsure as to which Document version you wish to export, you can preview the Pages that are contained within each version of the Document. To do so:
    1. Click the arrow in the Actions column to open the Actions dropdown menu.
    2. Click Pages. You will be taken to a list of the Pages in the Document version, which contains some information about each individual Page.
    3. To view an HTML preview of a Page within the Document version, click the Preview link in the Actions column.
    4. Once you have previewed the page, click the Back button.

You can then continue to export the Document to HTML, XML, InDesign, PDF or Liquid State Ubiquity.

Export a Document

To export a Document from the Versions view:

  1. Within the versions list, identify the version of the Document that you wish to export.
  2. In the Actions column, click the Export button.
  3. You will be taken to a list of Exports for the chosen version of the Document.
    This list contains information about each previous export of the Document version, such as the platform the Document was exported to, the Theme that was applied to the export, and other general information about the export.
    If you would like to access previously exported content, you can use the relevant Actions for each export to either download the exported HTML, XML, InDesign or PDF content, or view the export in Liquid State Ubiquity.
    To create a new export, click the Create Export button.
  4. Select the Export Type.
  5. Select a Document Theme from the Theme dropdown.

    Each Document Theme applies to one export type. A theme created for the HTML export type cannot be applied to Ubiquity exports. A PDF theme can only be applied to a PDF. You must also specify these themes under the Space Admin.

    If you do not see any themes in the dropdown menu, contact your Space Admin.

    You will be provided with an opportunity to preview styling of your exported document, based on the default Page Style of the Document Theme.
    To preview the theme:

    1. Click the relevant link
    2. From the dropdown menu, select a page to preview.
    3. Click the Preview button.
    4. A preview of the chosen page, with the Document Theme's default Page Style applied, will be displayed in a new tab/window.
      Once you have reviewed the appearance of the page, return to your Carbon Editor tab/window and click theBack button.
      You will be returned to the Export Theme selection view.
  6. To begin the export, click the Start Export button.

The export will begin.

You will be returned to the Exports view for the Document Version, where you can view the Status of your export, and use the Actions to access your export once it is complete.

Video Tutorial

Watch the video tutorial that follows the guide.

The video tutorial starts in the document category within a relevant space in the organisation

Access Document Versions

Export a Document

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