4.1 Setting Up a New Patient


This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a new Patient, and how to add Pathways to Patients.

STEP 1: Navigate and create a new Patient

Click the “New Patient” icon on the homepage of the dashboard to instantly create a new Patient.


Or, select the Patients option from the menu panel on the left side of the dashboard screen and click on the “New Patient” button on the top right corner.


STEP 2: Enter patient details

Next, add important Patient details in the Basic Details section. Start with the First Name, Last Name, Email address, and Mobile Number of the Patient. Add the Doctor and the primary Language of the patient. Add the Address of the Patient and click the next arrow to proceed.

STEP 3: Create a Patient’s Journey

Here you can create the Journey of the Patient by clicking the “+ Add Procedure” button and adding Procedure Pathways. This will provide the basis for communications with Patients.

Search and select the Pathway from the list of available Pathways you want, then click “Add”.

You can now add the Index Event dates to the Pathway.

You can also view the details of the selected Pathway specific to the Patient when you click on the “Details” icon.

To delete the added Procedure Pathway, click on the Bin icon.

Click the next arrow to proceed.

STEP 4: Review the new Patient’s details

Finally, review the details of the Patient. Click on the back arrow to make changes as required.

Once you have confirmed the details, click the Save icon to create the new patient. An Invite Code will now be sent to the patient to install the app.

At any time, you can click on the 'X' in the top right corner to close your progress and delete the details added. 

NOTE: Review or access Patient details

You can review the details of all existing and newly created Patients from the “Patients” list. You can also view the Pathway progress of a patient here.

To display Patient details, click on the Patient that you are interested in.

Here, the app access tab will allow you to change the access a Patient has to the app:

  • If a Patient has lost their Invite Code, you can create a new code and send it to them by email. To do this click “Resend Invite”. Note, that this option is only available for unregistered users.

  • For the registered users, you have the option to Deactivate or Activate an account using the toggle button.

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