3.4 Actions (Pathways List)
This section provides step-by-step instructions for duplicating, publishing/unpublishing, and deleting Pathways using the Pathway Action buttons at the top right corner of the Pathways list page.
Navigate to the Pathways list
You can navigate to the Pathways list in two ways -
Select the “Pathways” menu option from the menu panel on the left of the screen. Click on “Pathways” from the drop-down menu, or
Click on the “Pathways” card on the admin dashboard's homepage.
ACTION 1: Duplicate a Pathway
Select a pathway and click on the Copy icon in the top right corner of the screen, review the details on the pop-up modal and click “Duplicate” to create a copy of the Pathway.
ACTION 2: Publish/Unpublish Pathways
Click on the “X” button in the top right corner of the screen to unpublish the Pathway.
Next, click “OK“ to confirm the unpublishing of the Pathway.
ACTION 3: Deleting a Pathway
Click on the Bin icon in the top right corner of the screen to delete the Pathway. Next, click “OK“ to confirm the deletion of the Pathway.
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