1.3 Roles and permissions

1.3 Roles and permissions

The ForPatientApp solution supports a range of users types with specific functions within the system.

  • Super administrator - has access to the dashboard and is responsible for administering the solution as a whole and managing overall access to solution.

  • Pathway administrator - has access to the dashboard and is responsible for creating and managing global pathways for specific procedures and the content they contain.

  • Country administrator - has access to the dashboard and is responsible for administering country wide access of hospitals to the solution and for managing county specific versions of procedure pathways.

  • Hospital administrator - has access to the dashboard and is responsible for administering patient access for a single hospital and for managing hospital specific versions of procedure pathways.

  • Clinician user - has access to the dashboard and to patient specific information.

  • Patient user - has access to the mobile application.

Roles and user, pathway and analytics management


Manages users

Manages pathways

Analytics view


Manages users

Manages pathways

Analytics view

Super administrator

Pathway, Country, Hospital



Pathway administrator


Country administrator



Hospital administrator

Clinician, Patient



Clinician user



Patient user





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