How to: Add Devices to Apple Developer

How to: Add Devices to Apple Developer

Adding devices to your Apple Developer account allows you to select iOS devices to permit for testing an app locally. You will need:

  • iOS Device
  • iTunes
  • Apple Developer Account

iTunes Update

Ad-Hoc Testing is ONLY possible on versions of iTunes and earlier. Click here to find your version.

To add a device to your Apple Developer account:

  1. Open iTunes  
  2. Connect an iOS Device to your computer
  3. Click the Device icon
  4. Click Summary along the left-hand side
  5. Under Phone Number click the cell. It will magically change to display the UUID!
  6. Click on UUID and Copy 
  7. Login to Apple Developer 
  8. Click Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles 
  9. Click Devices and the +. Add Name and UUID that's copied on the clipboard.
  10. Click Continue and Add Device 

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