How to: Create an App Store Provisioning Profile

App Store provisioning profiles are used for Testflight app uploads and for App Store uploads. Unlike an Ad-Hoc Profile, an App Store Provisioning Profile allows an app to be installed on all iOS Devices subject to External Review by Apple. This means you don't need to add Device UUIDs to an App Store Provisioning Profile.

To create an App Store Provisioning Profile you must have:

If you added Liquid State to your Developer account - contact us and we will generate the Provisioning Profile for you!

To create an App Store Provisioning Profile:

  1. Login to Apple Developer 
  2. Click All under Provisioning Profiles 
  3. Click located top-right
  4. Select App Store under the Distribution heading and click Next
  5. From the drop-down menu, locate your App ID and click Continue 
  6. Select your Distribution Certificate and click Continue

  7. Enter a name for the App Store Profile profile and click Continue 
  8. Click Download on your App Store Profile

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