How to: Publish Content to Selected Individuals or Groups

How to: Publish Content to Selected Individuals or Groups

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Liquid State Ubiquity users who have created a private app, and requested Liquid State's segmented publishing feature, can publish content to individual app users and app user groups.


For more information on public and private apps, see Ubiquity System Overview.

For more information on app users and app user groups, see Managing Users.


Segmented publishing is an advanced Liquid State Ubiquity feature.

Interested in advanced features like segmented publishing? Talk to us about upgrading from Liquid State Cloud to Liquid State Ubiquity.

 Contact ubiquity@liquid-state.com.


Prior to publishing an content to individual app users/app user groups, please ensure that you have created any relevant app user groups, and fully configured content you intend to publish.


Publishing Content to Selected Individuals or Groups

  1. Sign in to your Liquid State Ubiquity dashboard and click the relevant App entry.
  2. Navigate to the Content tab and click on the relevant content entry.
  3. Click on the Permissions tab.

  4. Within the Access Type sub-tab, select Only allow selected App Users to download this content, then click the Save changes button.

  5.  Click through to the Selected Groups and/or Selected Individuals tabs, select the app users/app user groups you want to publish the content to. Make sure to save your changes as you go.

  6. Navigate to the Content Publishing tab and continue to publish your content as per How to: Publish or Update a Document.


Your content will be published to your app, but will only be visible to the users you selected.

You can add further individual app users and/or app user groups from within the app-level App Users tab, or the content-level Permissions tab.



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