7.2.5 Send Me a Copy of My Personal Data

Home / 7.0 My Profile / 7.2 My Settings / 7.2.5 Send Me a Copy of My Personal Data

To view a copy of your personal data being recorded by PEP Health, follow the steps below.

1. Navigate to “My Profile” by tapping the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the Home screen.

2. Tap “Send me a copy of my personal data”.

3. Tap “Email personal data”.

Please note, the data will be sent to your PEP Health account email address in .csv format

4. Once your request to delete personal data has been sent, you will see a success message at the top of the screen.

Please note, it will take some time to action this request.

Home / 7.0 My Profile / 7.2 My Settings / 7.2.5 Send Me a Copy of My Personal Data


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