6.4 File Details

Home6.0 Files / 6.4 File Details

The 'File details’ page displays all the associated information about a file, with options to view, share, edit and delete the file.


1. File Details - This section displays the following details about the file -

Name - Name for the File.

→ File creation date - Date entered in ‘Creation Date’ field during file upload.

File upload date - Date the file was uploaded and saved in the PEP Health app.

Uploaded by - Uploader information, can be the “name of your Health provider” if the file was shared with you or “me“ if the file was upload by you in the PEP Health app.

2. View - Tap on the button to be view/download the file via your device’s default browser tab.

3. Sharing - Tap on the button to open sharing settings page and manage file sharing.

4. Edit - Tap on the button to open edit page and edit file details.

5. Delete - Tap on the button to open delete page and manage file deletion.

6. Sharing with - This section displays list of health providers in your care team that you shared the file with.

7. Description - This section displays what the File is about based on the description entered during file upload.

File Details Overview

Home6.0 Files / 6.4 File Details


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