
On clicking Procedure Details, it would display the correct and relevant Procedure information as shown in the below screenshot:


  1. If one pathway is assigned to the patient then display the information of that particular pathway in the Procedure details, show that in the Procedure Details.

  2. If multiple pathways are assigned to the same patient then display the pathway which consists of index events., choose pathway with index events 

  3. If multiple pathways with index events are assigned to the patient then it should display the next occurring index event., choose the one with the index event that occurs next

  4. If multiple pathways with the sam index events are assigned to the patient then, the latest assigned pathway should be displayed to the patient.If there aresame index event occurring next, choose the latest assigned pathway 

  5. If no pathways with upcoming index events then , choose the latest assigned pathway is displayed.


  • The Procedure date shown on the app is accurate and it indicates the number of days left for the next index event to occur.
