Liquid State Support

Liquid State Support


Liquid State Service Desk

Raise a support request in the Liquid State Service Desk.

We reply to all support requests within 3 business days.


Get in touch with Liquid State's support team by emailing us at support@liquid-state.com

Liquid State Chat


Send us a message directly from your Liquid State account.


 To send a message to Liquid State Support...
  1.  Log in to your Liquid State account.
  2. Click on the messages button toward the bottom right corner of your browser window.

  3.  Click the New Message button.

  4.  Type your message in the text field.

  5. Attach any relevant files, such as screenshots, by clicking the paperclip icon.

  6. Send the message by clicking the Send button.


We will respond to your message as soon as possible.


We may not be able to respond quickly outside of business hours.
Our business hours are 9:30am - 4:00pm AEST, Monday - Friday. 


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