4.3 Timeline

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The Timeline shows content, key dates and stage transitions in a chronological list, with the first item on the list being the most recent.


1. History - A chronological list of all content and events.

2. Upcoming dates - Displays upcoming appointments or other important dates.

3. About the timeline - Displays a list of all possible content that can be received.

4. View toggle - Allows you to switch between “Calendar” and “Timeline” views.

5. Content name - The name of the content.

6. Content type - The type of content. See a full list of content types here 7.0 Content Types

7. Date - The date that the content was delivered or that the event occurred.

8. Associated pathway - The pathway linked to the content item.

9. Refresh button - Allows you to refresh the page and make sure the latest information is being displayed.

An overview of the Timeline.


How to Find Content

1. Scroll down through the list of content received. 

2. Tap on the content to view any of the content listed.

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