8.0 Content Types

8.0 Content Types

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With the PEP Health app, you have access to a range of different content types provided by your connected health organisation. These content types are grouped by the area of which they appear in the app.


Library Content - Receive personalised information from your health organisation relating to your condition or treatment.

Learn more about Library here: 5.1 Library Introduction





Similar to a web page, documents provide you with written material that is relevant to you and your stage in your patient journey.




Videos are another way that your health organisation may provide information to you about your condition, treatment or recovery.




Websites provide you with additional information regarding your care via an external site.

Please note: Your devices web browser will be used to access this content.


Forms Content - You may be required to fill out forms so that your care team can keep up to date with your current health status.

Learn more about Forms here: 3.1 Forms Introduction





To ensure you are on track and prepared for the next stage of your care, tasks provide you with a checklist of activities to complete.




Forms are used to measure how your treatment has gone and your experience while receiving care.




Questionnaires are used to assess your recovery progress after treatment.





Web Form

Web forms require you to provide information to your care team via an external website.

Please note: Your devices web browser will be used to access this content.


Messages Content - Your care team may send you messages to communicate with you during your health journey.

Learn more about Messages here: 2.3 Messages





Messages are used for conveying general information. They can also include a link to a website or another piece of content.




Reminders are to inform you about upcoming tasks or events, such as appointments or preparing for a test.




Similar to messages, alerts are used to inform you of critical information. They can also include a link to a website or another piece of content.


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