1.2.2 Registration and Onboarding using an Invite Code

1.2.2 Registration and Onboarding using an Invite Code

Home / 1.0 Getting Started / 1.2 Registration and Onboarding / 1.2.2 Registration and Onboarding using an Invite Code

STEP 1: Copy the PEP Health Invite Code

You will receive an email with your PEP Health invite code if you were invited by your health organization to use PEP Health. Copy the invite code to use it in the next step and click on the relevant app store links in the email to download the PEP Health app.


STEP 2: Complete Onboarding

When you first launch the PEP Health app, you will land on the “Let’s customise the app for you“ page.

Tap the icon to start

Enter the code given to you by your health organisation that you had copied in STEP 1: Copy the PEP Health Invite Code in the field below and click the “Submit“ button.


Next, you will be taken through brief onboarding (a splash screen lasting 3-5 seconds) and instructional screens to explain the core functions and give instructions.

On the instructional screens, you navigate through them by pressing thebutton in the bottom right corner of your screen.

At the end, press the button in the bottom right corner of your screen to proceed.

STEP 3: Select Health Topics

Please select at least 1 health topic you may be interested in on this screen to proceed. You can always update your choices on the “Settings“ page.

Once you have selected 1 or more health topics, click on the “Save“ button at the bottom of the page to proceed.

STEP 4: Complete Registration

  • To complete your registration, create a strong password that is at least 8 characters long and contains at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and one number, and confirm or edit the prefilled email address if needed.

  • Next, review the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

  • Also, review the Organisation Connection Agreement

  • Check the boxes to agree to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and the Organisation Connection Agreement

  • Click on the “Register“ button

Important Privacy Information

You can request a copy of your data anytime in your profile settings page. 

If you decide you would no longer like to share your identified data, you can put forward a “Delete my data” request in the app to remove your details from the database. Please note, that this will in turn disable the app, and you will no longer be able to use that account. 

Account Setup Complete

Congratulations, you can now start your PEP Health journey!


You can follow the steps described in 2.4.1 Adding a Health care provider to your care team | 1️⃣ General Method to connect with additional members of your care team.

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