7.1 Sent Messages / Alerts / Reminders


This section outlines the Sent Direct Messaging in the dashboard.

STEP 1: View Sent Messages / Alerts / Reminders

Select the “Direct Messaging” option in the left menu panel of the dashboard. Next, click “Sent in the drop-down menu.

You will now see a list of all sent Messages / Alerts / Reminders, identified by their “Type” icons.

View details such as Date Sent, Audience and Message Title. Note, the Audience names will be de-identified as per security guidelines.

Select a Message / Alert / Reminder from the list to proceed.

STEP 2: Review a Sent Message / Alert / Reminder

After selecting a Message / Alert / Reminder you can review its details including Attached Content, Send Date, and Individuals to whom it was sent to.

Note: As a Hospital Admin, you can only see the Sent messages, alerts and reminders for Patients in your Hospital.


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