7.2 How to register into the Super admin dashboard
This outlines the registration process of the Super admin dashboard and helps to view and access the Terms & Conditions, Privacy policies while creating a new user.
STEP 1: Enter the invitation code
Enter the 6-digit invitation code
STEP 2: Fill the Welcome card details
You can see a Welcome card with an input field to add the Password & Mobile number. Choose a strong password and enter the mobile number with the country code.
STEP 3: Review the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
Scroll down after the above-mentioned step and you would be able to see an option called “Review the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions” from which the super admin user can open to view the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
STEP 4: Read the Privacy Policies, Terms of Use and agree to the conditions
Click on the “Read Dashboard Global Privacy Policy”, to open a modal and read the Global Privacy Policy.
2. Click on the “Read Dashboard Global Terms of Use”, to open a modal and read the Global Terms of Use.
3. Finally, click on the “I agree to all the Privacy Policies” and the “I agree to all the Terms & Conditions” checkboxes to agree.
4. Now, click on Submit to complete the Super Admin Registration to the FPA Dashboard.
STEP 4: Navigating to the Super admin dashboard
On clicking submit, the Super admin user is navigated to the super admin dashboard of FPA.
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