CMS title vs App title

CMS title vs App title

CMS title

App title

CMS title

App title

CMS is the document name given while creating the document in Carbon editor.

App username is the name that the app user would be seeing for a document, when logged in to the app as a patient user.

The CMS title is used to differentiate between multiple documents with the same name. In the below example the CMS title is “Sitting down and standing up -Hip”. Since the same document name “Sitting down and standing up” is present fro both hip and knee and to differentiate between them, we use “Hip' keyword in the CMS title in the Carbon Editor. The same name will be displayed in the dashboard as well.

The name that needs to be displayed for the app user would be updated in the ubiquity dashboard>Versions>Configure>Name as shown in the below screenshot. The name that is updated in the below image as “Sitting down and standing up” is what will be shown on the app to the user which avoids any further confusion.




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