Viewing and Editing Metadata

On this Page

Viewing and editing metadata uses the same interface for both documents and pages, though they are accessed in slightly different ways.

View Document Metadata

To access the metadata for a document

  1. Navigate to the Document View
  2. Click the drop down menu next to Versions & Exports
  3. Click the View Metadata button

View Page Metadata

To access the metadata for a page

  1. Navigate to the Document View
  2. Find your page in the Page List
  3. Click the drop down menu next to Edit Content
  4. Click the View Metadata button

You will be presented with a page displaying the metadata for your document or page, with links to edit the tags or custom metadata as seen below.

Editing Tags

Tags can be edited by clicking the "Edit" link visible on the right hand side of the Tags Section

A tags editing interface is displayed with autocomplete to help you find matching tags in your space.

Editing Custom Metadata

Custom Metadata can be edited by clicking the "Edit" link visible to the right of the Custom Metadata Sections, or in the getting started with custom metadata heading

Custom metadata is edited in a code editor and must be valid JSON

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