Importing Metadata

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Importing Metadata

Metadata can be imported with your documents and pages, including read only metadata which is generated by your own system. Before you get started working with metadata directly, it is important that you understand the Structure of Metadata. Also importing metadata requires that you use Version 2 Imports.

Importing Document Metadata

To import document metadata you must add two keys to your document.json file as part of your import zip, metadata and metadata_strategy. Metadata is the actual key under which all your metadata for this document should sit. merge_strategy must be one of "replace" or "merge" and indicates how metadata should be added to an existing document. Merge attempts to recursively merge the metadata into the existing metadata while replace will replace the entire metadata (including read only metadata) for the document.

Importing Page Metadata

Importing page metadata is very similar to importing document metadata above except that you add the metadata and metadata_strategy keys to page.json for the page you want to set metadata against instead of document.json.

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