7.5 Hospital Admin features
- 1 Outline
- 2 STEP 1: Hospital Admin- Receive the registration code
- 3 STEP 2: Click on “Register”
- 4 STEP 3: Enter the registration code
- 5 STEP 4: Fill the Welcome card details
- 6 STEP 5: Review the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
- 7 STEP 6: Navigate to the home page of the dashboard
- 8 STEP 7: Accessing Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy
- 9 STEP 8: Navigating to the “My Profile” page
- 10 STEP 9: Hospital Admin- Create new Dashboard users
- 11 STEP 10: Create a Hospital Admin
- 12 STEP 11: Create a Professional user
- 13 STEP 12: Hospital Admin-View the hospital details
- 14 STEP 13: Hospital Admin-Edit App hospital details
- 15 STEP 14: Hospital Admin-Fill in the details
- 16 STEP 15: Hospital Admin-Edit App hospital content
- 17 STEP 16: Hospital Admin-Create and Invite new patients
- 18 STEP 17: Hospital Admin-Setting up a new patient
- 19 STEP 18: Hospital Admin: No Permission to create Index events
This outlines the features and functionalities that the HA users can perform. HA users has access to the dashboard and are responsible for administering patient access for a single hospital and for managing hospital-specific versions of procedure pathways.
STEP 1: Hospital Admin- Receive the registration code
SA user will be able to create a new hospital admin user after which the HA user will receive an email with the registration code.
STEP 2: Click on “Register”
Enter the email address and click on the “Register” button to register as a hospital admin user.
STEP 3: Enter the registration code
Enter the 6-digit registration code, which you received over an email. Click on “Submit”.
STEP 4: Fill the Welcome card details
You can see a Welcome card with an input field to add the Password & Mobile number. Choose a strong password and enter the mobile number with the country code.
STEP 5: Review the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
Scroll down after the above-mentioned step and you would be able to see an option called “Review the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions” from which the hospital admin user can open to view the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. You should be able to view 2 agreements( (global and hospital admins) in total (1 of each). Read the agreements by opening it in a new modal. Click on Submit.
Screenshot needed
STEP 6: Navigate to the home page of the dashboard
Following the above steps, this would navigate to the home page of the dashboard.
STEP 7: Accessing Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy
Click on the menu present on the bottom-left corner of the dashboard. You can click on the “View Terms and Conditions” or “View Privacy Policy” options to view and access the policies.
STEP 8: Navigating to the “My Profile” page
On clicking on any of the above options( View Terms and conditions or View Privacy Policy), this would navigate to the My Profile page where you would be able to view and access the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy with the history of acceptance consisting of language, type, and date accepted.
Terms and Conditions:
Privacy policy:
Note: As a Hospital Admin on the My Profile page, you can click menu link to view the Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy in a modal popup window.
STEP 9: Hospital Admin- Create new Dashboard users
From the dashboard, click on “ Administration> Dashboard users” and select the “New dashboard user” button to create a hospital admin or professional user.
STEP 10: Create a Hospital Admin
This is another way to create a hospital admin from the Hospital admin dashboard. Select the User Type here as “Hospital admin”.
2. Fill the User details- First Name, Last Name, E-mail address. Click on “Submit Dashboard authentication” and an email with authentication code will be sent to the hospital admin.
3. You can then follow the 7.5 Hospital Admin features to register and login to the hospital admin dashboard.
STEP 11: Create a Professional user
Click on the “New Dashboard user” button which is located on the top-right corner of the page to create a new Professional user. Select the user-type as “Professional user”.
Fill the User details- First Name, Last Name, E-mail address. Click on “Submit Dashboard authentication” and an email with authentication code will be sent to the Professional users. The registration and professional user instructions are provided here: 7.6 Professional Users features
STEP 12: Hospital Admin-View the hospital details
From the dashboard, click on “App hospital details” from the home page or click on Administration>hospitals to view the hospital details.
Following the above step, you would be able to see the app hospital details tab as shown in the below screenshot:
STEP 13: Hospital Admin-Edit App hospital details
As a HA user, you will be able to edit the app hospital details page which would be displayed to the mobile app user. you can click on the “edit” button present on the top-right corner.
STEP 14: Hospital Admin-Fill in the details
HA admin can now fill in the required details that need to be displayed on the mobile app and click on “Save”. Make sure to fill the mandatory fields.
STEP 15: Hospital Admin-Edit App hospital content
As a HA user, you will be able to edit/add the app hospital content page which would be displayed to the mobile app user. you can click on the “edit” button present on top-right corner.
On clicking the ‘Add’ button, a modal pops up where you will be able to select the content that needs to be displayed by the hospital admin to the app users as shown in the below image.
STEP 16: Hospital Admin-Create and Invite new patients
Hospital admin users can create and invite new patients who belong to their hospital.
From the dashboard, click on “Patients” present on the left menu bar. Now click on the “New Patient” button available on the top-right corner to create a new patient.
STEP 17: Hospital Admin-Setting up a new patient
Click on this link to know more about creating a new patient and inviting them to install the app.
STEP 18: Hospital Admin: No Permission to create Index events
HA users won’t be able to create any Index event. SA users will be able to create Index events only. There won’t be an option called “Index event” in the dashboard for HA users.
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