How to: Set up Google Play Beta testing

How to: Set up Google Play Beta testing

Testing on Google Play Console is beneficial as it provides an environment to safely control testers and app problems. Google Play Console allows you to test via a Beta and Alpha channels that make it look like it's on the Play Store but really - it's just a segmented app entry sent to testers.

To test on Google Play Console:

  1. Ensure you have setup Google Play Console 
  2. Login to Google Play Console 
  3. Along the dashboard click Release Management 
  4. Click App Release 
  5. Here you will find Production, Beta and Alpha channels
  6. Click Manage Beta (or Manage Alpha, seriously doesn't matter)
  7. Click Create Release 
  8. Click Upload APK and locate the file downloaded from Ubiquity
  9. Enter a Release Name 
  10. Click Save 
  11. Click Review
  12. Click Start Roll-Out to Beta
  13. Select a Testing Method 
  14. Add a Feedback URL if you want to collect feedback during the testing process
  15. Send the Opt-in URL to testers that are approved for testing
  16. Click Save after making any additional changes to testers or settings.

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