How to: Configure an App for Testflight

Once an app has been uploaded to Testflight, you must configure the app for testing for external groups. People can test the app without having to connect their device to a computer with the use of Testflight.

To configure and submit an app for Testflight:


To test the app outside your iTunes Connect Users - you must submit the app for review. It's recommended you test the app internally before submitting for review to avoid rejection.

  1. Ensure you have successfully uploaded an app to iTunes Connect
  2. Login to iTunes Connect 
  3. Click on My Apps 
  4. Click on the relevant app entry 
  5. Click on Activity tab. This will indicate when & whether the app was successfully upload AND finished processing
  6. Since the app has been processed by Apple click on Testflight 
  7. You will notice a Green and Yellow dot under two columns.

    1. iTunes Connect Users: are able to test the app immediately upon completion of processing
    2. External Users: are able to test the app immediately after a successful review from Apple
  8. (optional) Click New Group + to create a new group if you don't have an external group already
  9. Click on your External Group. In this instance, the external group is simply called 'External Testers'. You can call this whatever you want.
  10. Click on Builds 
  11. Click the sign to add a new build for your External Group to test
  12. Select a successfully processed app and click Next 
  13. Enter Sign-in information and a feedback email. If you app doesn't require sign-in, uncheck the box 
  14. Click Next and Submit for Review 

You will receive an email from Apple when they have successfully reviewed and approved your app.

You can then view How To: Send Testflight Invitations.

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