3.2 Rule Actions


This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to duplicate and delete Procedure Rules.

STEP 1: Navigate to Rules

Select the Pathways option from the drop-down menu panel on the left of the dashboard and select Rules.


STEP 2: Copy Procedure Rules

Click on the Copy button at the top right corner of the screen. Review the details and click Duplicate to create a copy of the rule.




Open the Procedure Rule which needs to be copied. Select the “Copy” button in the top-right hand corner to copy the procedure rule, as shown below.


A modal is triggered by clicking on the “Copy” button. Click “Duplicate” to then copy the Rule.


STEP 3: Delete Procedure Rules

Click on the Bin icon in the top right corner of the screen to delete the Rule. A confirmation modal with then pop up. Click “OK” to confirm deleting the Rule.



Open the Procedure Rule you wish to delete. Click on the Bin icon in the top-right hand corner to delete the Procedure Rule, as shown below.

A confirmation modal with then pop up. Click “OK” to confirm deleting the Rule.


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