11.0 How to Articles

3.3 Pathway and Stage CreationSheethal Bangalore RamakrishnaJul 24, 2024
3.5.2 Pathway SharingAkash Kumar DJul 16, 2024
3.5 Pathway ActionsSheethal Bangalore RamakrishnaJul 10, 2024
6.0 File Sharing and ManagementAkash Kumar DJul 20, 2023
5.2 How to Create, Edit & Delete DocumentsAkash Kumar DJul 18, 2023
4.2 Overview of PatientsAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
11.3 How to remove (Archive) pathway from a patient's profile?Akash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
11.2 How to test pathways with multiple test patient accounts?Sheethal Bangalore RamakrishnaJul 14, 2023
11.1 Service DeskAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
10.0 FAQsAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
9.3 View Terms & Conditions or Privacy PolicyAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
9.2 Change your PasswordAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
9.1 User Profile and LogoutAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
8.4 How to Create & Edit Index EventsAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
8.3 How to invite a new Dashboard UserAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023 How to Configure Instructional ScreensAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023 How to Configure the Splash ScreenAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023 How to Add/Edit Branding DetailsAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
8.1.2 How to Add & Edit Public ContentAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
8.1.1 How to Add/Edit DetailsAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
8.0 Administration: Hospital AdminAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
7.3 Send a New Message / Alert / ReminderAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
7.2 Scheduled Messages / Alerts / RemindersAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
7.1 Sent Messages / Alerts / RemindersAkash Kumar DJul 14, 2023
5.10 How to Create, Edit & Delete WeblinksJeff StrachanJun 07, 2023
5.9 How to Create & Edit Content-RemindersAkash Kumar DJun 07, 2023
5.8 How to Create & Edit Content-AlertsAkash Kumar DJun 07, 2023
5.7 How to Create & Edit Content-MessagesAkash Kumar DJun 07, 2023
5.6 How to Create, Edit & Delete TasksAkash Kumar DJun 07, 2023
5.5 How to Create, Edit & Delete a QuestionnaireAkash Kumar DJun 07, 2023

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