Groups are used to define access restrictions to different areas in IDM. Groups give an hierarchy to the app users with the level of access of features in IDM.
There are two groups in IDM -
Product Administrators
Site Administrators
→ If a user has a ‘Product Administrators’ group they only have access to the following -
Carbon Editor
Ubiquity Dashboard
This means the user is only able to access Carbon Editor and Ubiquity Dashboard from IDM. Content creators and editors are recommended to be given a product admin access for security and auditing purposes.
→ If a user has a ‘Site Administrators’ group then they get access to entirety of IDM -
Carbon Editor
Ubiquity Dashboard
User Management
Access Management
Since site administrator have access to everything and mainly are able to manage existing users and invite new users, only a limited few people should have the site admin group to ensure security and auditing purposes.
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