Create a Page in a different Variation
As a Content Editor, you may want to create page will different Variations that doesn't necessarily apply to all content.
Unlike Master Variations, creating a different Variation means it will only appear in that given Variation. For example Variation A will only be editable and viewable by default in Variation A.
To create a page in a different Variation:
- Ensure you have setup another Variation in addition to the Master Variation.
- Enter the Page List of your document.
- Change the Variation from Master to your own Variation by clicking the drop-down menu on the top left toolbar.
- Once the Variation is changed, click on Create to create a Page in the new Variation
Enter the details for the new Page. Pay attention to the information message located at the top of all the fields. Click Save.
This page will be created in a different Variation. If you want to create it for all Variations, you should create it in the Master Variation.
The page will automatically navigate to the Page Editor in Carbon Editor. Ensure you're in the selected Variation (Variation 2 in this case) found at the top left of the page.
Add content to the page and click Save once satisfied.
You've now created content in a different Variation.
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