How to: Register as an Apple Developer

How to: Register as an Apple Developer

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Getting Started

To register as an Apple Developer you will need:

  • D-U-N-S number of your company
  • $99 USD/yr recurring payment
  • Apple ID

Apple Developer Accounts

To distribute your iOS app on the App Store, you are required to register as an iOS Developer.

There are two developer programs within the Apple system:

  1. iOS Developer Program and the 
  2. iOS Developer Enterprise Program

iOS Developer Program accounts allow you develop both free and paid apps for the iOS App Store. iOS Developer Enterprise Program accounts allow you to develop applications that can be distributed privately within your organisation.

If you are unsure as to which account is for you, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I want to sell my app or the content it contains?
    •  Yes

      You need a Standard Developer account

  • Do I want to distribute my app via the App Store?
    •  Yes

      You need a Standard Developer account

  • Do I want to create and distribute apps within my organisation or to my employees directly without going to the App Store?
    •  Yes

      You need a Enterprise Developer account

See these Apple webpages for more information on the iOS Developer Program and/or the iOS Developer Enterprise Program.

Otherwise, see Apple’s Developer FAQ page.


Registering for the iOS Developer Program

To register, you will need a valid email address that is not associated with any other Apple Developer account.
The iOS Developer Program is currently priced at $99USD per annum.
If you are registering on behalf of a company, Apple requires that the company must have a DUNS Number (obtained via Dun & Bradstreet). 


To register for a (standard) iOS Developer Account:


  1. Go to developer.apple.com/programs/ios/ and click on the Enroll Now button and then click Start Your Enrollment

  2. Sign in with your Apple ID
  3. Select your development type as Company / Organization
  4. Click Continue
  5. Enter the relevant information of the following page and click Continue. In this step you will need to provide basic personal information, including your legal name and address. If you’re enrolling on behalf of your company or organization, Apple will need more details, like your legal entity name and corporate headquarters address 
  6. Purchase and activate your program. 
  7. Once Apple has verified your information, you can purchase your program on the Apple Online Store.
  8. Apple will email you membership activation instructions within 24 hours of completing your purchase.


Registering for the iOS Developer Enterprise Program


To register, you will need a valid email address that is not associated with any other Apple Developer account.
The Enterprise Program is intended for developers who wish to develop and distribute their iOS apps within their company or organization. The program is currently priced at $299USD per annum.
You will be required to provide Apple with a DUNS Number (obtained via Dun & Bradstreet) during the enrollment process.
You will need to provide Apple with a legal contact who can verify that you have the authority to bind your company to the iOS Developer Program Enterprise License Agreement.


To register for an iOS Developer Enterprise Account:

  1. Go to developer.apple.com/programs/ios/enterprise/ and click Apply Now
  2. Click Continue at the next screen and then work your way through the Account Info, Review and Submit, Company Verification , Agree to License, Purchase Program and Activate Program steps. 
  3. Finally, purchase and activate your program. 
  4. Once Apple has verified your information, you can purchase your program at the Apple Online Store. The verification process almost always includes a personal phone call from an Apple representative.
  5. Apple will email you membership activation instructions within 24 hours of completing your purchase.


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