11.1 Service Desk

11.1 Service Desk


How a user can create a Service Desk ticket?

Users needs to follow the below steps to create a Service Desk ticket:

  • Create an account using the following link: Liquid State Support

  • This account allows you to sign into our customer support portal and report an issue.

  • Select the “General” enquiry option or “GDPR Request” based on the nature of your issue.


Select this option to submit a bug report, feature request, additional support request, sales/billing enquiry, and other general enquiries.


What does it mean?


What does it mean?

Bug Report

If the users have an issue with the app or dashboard, they can login a bug report using this option.

Feature Request

If there is an additional feature request for the developed app or dashboard, it can be requested using this option.

Additional Support Request

If there are any additional support required, users can log a ticket using this option.

Sales/Billing Enquiry

A support ticket can be logged for any sales/billing contract.

General Enquiry

If the issue is not belonging to any of the above options, then users can log a ticket using the General Enquiry option.


After selecting your option, you will be directed to a ticket page where you can fill in all the necessary details of the issue they are facing. Attach any images and files if necessary. Finally, submit your ticket using the “Send” button.

GDPR Requests

Different types of GDPR requests can be raised here.

GDPR Requests

what does it mean?

GDPR Requests

what does it mean?

‘Send me a copy of my data’ GDPR Request

To access a copy of your personal data, log a ticket using this option.

‘Delete my personal data’ GDPR Request

To request to delete your personal data, log a ticket using this option.

'Other' GDPR Request

If there are any other issues regarding GDPR, then you can log a ticket using this option.

After selecting one of the above options, fill in all the required details necessary to resolve the GDPR issue.

How do we receive a Service Desk ticket?

Once you create a ticket using the above steps and click the “Send” button to submit your Service Desk ticket. This ticket will appear on the Service desk under “Open Issues” with the status “Waiting for Triage”.


Jira Statuses:

  • Waiting for Triage - This is the default status. Once a user creates a ticket, the status will automatically be “Waiting for Triage”.

  • Waiting for Support- The status is changed to “Waiting for Support” once the agent starts looking at the issue. In this step, the agent will try reproducing the issue that the user is facing or will try to identify the root cause of the issue.

  • Waiting for Customer- If the agent requires more information about the user’s issue while trying to reproduce or find the root cause, then they will request more information by communicating back to the user.

  • Work in Progress- If the development team needs to work on the issue then it will be “escalated to dev” button and the status would change to “Work in Progress”. Once the development team finishes working on the issue, it will be transitioned back to “Waiting for Support” so that the support agent can respond to the user.

  • Fixed- Once the issue is completely fixed, the support agent will request confirmation from the user and close the ticket.

The flow chart below describes the workflow of Service Desk statuses.









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