How to: Invite Liquid State to your Google Play Developer team

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Adding Liquid State to your Google Play Developer accounts will assist in the process of submitting your Android App to the app store.

Getting Started

To add a Liquid State Staff Member to your Google Play Developer Console account you must have:

Add Liquid State to Google Play Console

Contact Liquid State Support to obtain account details to add - these will be different from iOS and OneSignal accounts.

  1. Sign-in to your Google Play Developer Console
  2. Click Settings in the left-hand panel
  3. Click Users & Permissions in the left-hand panel
  4. Select Invite new User 
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts and add the Liquid State Staff Member details, add the following users - 
    1. (First Name: Gautami | Last Name: Shetty)  and (First Name: Cyril | Last Name: Doussin) 
    1. Don't set an expiration date on the User
    2. Select role as Administrator 
  6. Click Send Invite

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