Linking to another Page

Linking to another Page

Content users can link to other pagesinsidethe Page Editor. To link another page:

  1. Ensure you're in the correct Organisation and Space.
  2. Click on the document you want to edit and open it up in the Page Editor.
  3. Highlight the text that you want to link to inside the Page Editor.
  4. Click the Link button that appears inside the Page Editor above the highlighted text.
  5. The Page Linking dialogue will appear. Ensure Link to another Page is selected.
  6. Click Browse Pages
  7. Follow the linking screen and select the page you want to link to.
  8. When you have selected the page you want to link to select click OK.
  9. The page will now be linked inside the Page Editor. You can view the link inside the Preview Panel and page itself.

You have now linked to another page inside Page Editor. You can export the document with the links and import content with page links inside Carbon Editor.

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