Cross Linking a Section

Cross Linking a Section

To cross embed a Section:

  1. Ensure you are in the correct Organisation, and Space.
  2. From the Space viewSearch for the Document's name, or navigate into a Document Category that contains the Document.
  3. Open the Pages section after clicking on the document name.
  4. Click on Edit Content to open up the Page Editor
  5. If you don't have a Section in the document - Add a Section.

  6. Click on Embed Section

  7. Select the Document you want to embed content from and click Continue

  8. Select the Pages you want to embed content from and click Continue

  9. Select Embed the whole page or Embed a Section. Skip to Step 13 if you embed the whole page

  10. Click the Section you want to Embed and click Continue
  11. Enter a Linking ID for the Section if not already assigned. Visit Add a Cross Linking ID to a Section for more information.
  12. Click Continue
  13. Check the Summary and click Save

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