Cross Linking Overview

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The Carbon Editor Cross Linking feature allows you to incorporate any existing content within the platform in any newly created documents.

The source content is ‘Linked’ within the new document creating a link between the two, providing the ability to reuse whole pages, sections, and even individual fields.

The use of IDs helps identify and track linking across documents. You don't always need to use these IDs or assign them, but it is recommended if you intend to use the Cross Linking feature heavily.

If you choose to link a Field or Section without predefining an Linking ID, an automatically generated UUID will be created.

What Can be Linked?

  1. Fields
  2. Sections
  3. Pages

Add a Cross Linking ID

You can add a custom linking ID to Fields, Sections, and Pages. Visit the pages below to read more:

Cross Linking in the Page Editor

You can easily link existing content in the Carbon Editor interface. Visit the pages below to read more:

Cross Linking in Imported Content

Aside from using the Carbon Editor UI at to create fields, sections, and pages with linking IDS, it is also possible to configure cross linking in imported content. Visit the pages below to read more:

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