Creating a Content Bank

Creating a Content Bank

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One of the best ways to make use of Carbon Editor's cross linking feature is to set up a document of commonly used content, then configure all pages, sections, and fields it contains for cross linking.

This document can then be quickly referred to when linking commonly used content in to another document. 

This type of workflow is referred to as using a 'Content Bank'.

Creating the content bank

  1. Create a new document, making sure to set its Linking ID to something that clearly represents its purpose.
  2. Create your commonly used content, either by using The Page Editor, or by creating content in Carbon Editor XML Format and importing it.
    1. If you create your own XML and import it, ensure you have set up Linking IDs for all relevant fields, sections, and pages, as per Cross Linking in Imported Content.

Using the content bank

  1. Create a new Document as per Creating a New Document.
  2. Link content from your content bank as per Cross Linking Content in the Page Editor (Embeds) or Cross Linking in Imported Content.

Replacing the content bank with a new version

You can continue to edit the content in your content bank just like any other document.

In addition to the standard editing workflow, you can also programmatically replace your entire content bank at once, replacing your old content but retaining the Linking IDs of pages, sections, and fields.

To do so:

  1. Create a new document with the same Linking ID as the old content bank document.
  2. Create a new .zip of the new/updated content in Carbon Editor XML Format. Ensure that any Linking IDs that existed in the old content bank are added to the correct pages, sections, and fields in the new content bank.
  3. Add new Linking IDs to new content, as necessary.
  4. Import this .zip of XML content into the new content bank document.
  5. Verify that pages that contained linked content from the old content bank now link the relevant content from the new content bank.
  6. Optionally, delete the old content bank document. This is not required, but will help to keep your Space clean and minimise incorrect use of the old content bank.

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