Space Administration - Exports

Space Administration - Exports

On This Page


The sections in this page has video tutorials in the bottom of the page. If you do not understand the written text and use the video as reference.

The Exports Tab

Space Admins can configure various export types by setting up API keys, from within the Exports tab.

API keys are special tokens that link an account in another system to a Carbon Editor Space.


A publisher uses Carbon Editor to produce content for their print magazine.

The publisher is also rolling out a mobile app version of their magazine, built with Liquid State Ubiquity.

In order to export Documents from Carbon Editor directly to their Liquid State Ubiquity account, the Space Admin copies the API key provided in their Liquid State Ubiquity account, and adds it to the Space Administration Exports tab.

Accessing the Exports Tab

To access the Exports tab for a Space:

  1. Click your current Organisation's name in the top navigation bar.
  2. Under Swap Organisation, choose the relevant Organisation from the list.
    You will be taken to the Organisation view.
  3. Under the Spaces heading, click the name of the relevant Space.
  4. Click the Space name in the top navigation bar, then click Administer "Space Name".
    You will be taken to the Overview tab of the Space's administration.
  5. Click the Exports tab.

Add an API Key

To add a new API key:

  1. Identify and copy your API key in the external system you wish to link your Carbon Editor Space with.
  2. In the Exports tab, click the Add an API Key button.
  3. Under the Format heading, choose the export type you are linking to.
  4. Under the Key heading, paste the API key from the external system.
  5. Click the Save button.

The API key integration will be set up, and your Carbon Editor Space will be linked with your account in the external system.

Editors can continue to export documents directly to the external system.

Video Tutorials

Watch the video tutorial that follows the guide.

Accessing the Exports Tab

The video shows the steps to access the exports tab once the user is in the relevant space.

Add an API Key

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