GDPR Requests from "My Profile" area
Step 1: Log into the home screen of the dashboard
From the dashboard home page, click on the “My profile” icon.
Step 2: Click on “Send my Personal data”
As a dashboard user, you can request for the copy of your personal data to the email address you have specified in the Administration>Data requests>GDPR Contact details.
Click on the “Email personal data” button to receive the copy of .csv file over an email.
Step 3: Click on “Delete my Personal data”
As a dashboard user, you can request for the copy of your personal data to the email address you have specified in the Administration>Data requests>GDPR Contact details.
Click on the “Delete my personal data” button to receive the confirmation of deletion over an email.
Note: Once the GDPR request is submitted as Hospital admin / professional user/app user, the Super admin would receive the email notification that someone has created GDPR request. Super admin user would log the Service desk ticket and the support user would address the ticket in 10 or 15 business days.
Finally, The support users would send the confirmation of deletion or the .csv file with the data that was requested to the users who created the GDPR request.
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