How to: Upload your iOS App to iTunes Connect

How to: Upload your iOS App to iTunes Connect

Uploading to iTunes Connect is the first step to releasing your app on the app store OR distributing it through Testflight. Both App Store releases and Testflight release will require you to upload your app using a handy tool called Application Loader.

Once you have fully configured your app, and created an App Record in iTunes Connect, you are ready to upload your app's .ipa file (also referred to as 'binary') using Application Loader.

Configuring your app includes creating Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles in the Apple Developer Portal, Signing your app, and creating an app entry in iTunes Connect.

If you aren't sure if your app is fully configured and ready to go, please see these pages before you begin:

To upload your app to iTunes Connect:

  1. Open Xcode 
  2. In the top menu bar, click Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader 
  3. Sign in to Application Loader using the Apple ID associated with your Apple Developer and/or iTunes Connect account (these should be the same)
  4. Click Deliver Your App 

  5. Locate your Signed IPA and click Open 
  6. Your next screen should look something like this if the iTunes Connect record has been setup correctly (might not have icon - that's fine (smile) )
  7. Click Next 
  8. Wait...
  9. Wait some more...
  10. Wait a little longer...
  11. Done! After about 10 mins - 2 hours your signed iOS app will be uploaded to your iTunes Connect 
  12. Login to your iTunes Connect account
  13. Click My Apps 
  14. Your app should appear. If it doesn't - don't fear! Even after waiting to upload to iTunes Connect using Application Loader - Apple will do some scans and create an app entry. Maybe come back after a couple of minutes and it should be there!

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