3.3 Entire Journey: Forms

3.3 Entire Journey: Forms

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The “Entire Journey” tab in Forms allows you to view forms across an entire pathway.

Here you can keep track of what you have completed and see what forms you need to complete in the future.

Navigating to Entire Journey

Tapping “Entire Journey” will show you a list of Pathways you are currently in.

To view all the forms associated with a pathway, tap on the pathway.

List of pathways in Entire Journey.


1. Pathway - The name of a pathway you are currently in.

2. Stage - The name of the stage you are currently in within a pathway. To view all the forms within this stage, tap the stage name to expand the details. To hide the forms within the stage, simply tap the stage name a second time.

3. Form - A form associated with a stage of care. Tap on a form to open it. Please note: you must have an internet connection to access forms.

4. Checkmark -To the right of the form you will see a checkmark. Grey checkmarks indicate incomplete forms and blue checkmarks indicate completed forms.

Note: the blue circular checkmark to the right of a stage indicates your current stage.


An overview of “Entire Journey”.

Accessing Forms

To open a form, simply tap on it.

Please note: you must have an internet connection to access forms.

If you have already completed the form, tapping on the form will direct you to the Form Details page where you can view previous submissions or create a new submission.

Completing a Form

To complete a form, you will need to answer all the mandatory questions. Once complete, tap the Submit button at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll down to see the button).

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