7.2.2 Set Key Dates

7.2.2 Set Key Dates

Home / 7.0 My Profile / 7.2 My Settings / 7.2.2 Set Key Dates

If there are key dates for your care, you can enter them into the PEP Health calendar to receive reminders.


To set your key dates:

1. Navigate to “My Profile” by tapping the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the Home screen.

2. Tap “Set My Key Dates”.

3. A list of key dates will be displayed. Tap the field under the heading of the key date you would like to update.

Choose the date by selecting it from the data picker and tap “Ok”. Tap “Reset” if you don’t want to change the date at this time, then tap “Ok”.

4. Tap “Set My Key Dates” to submit the new dates.

5. Once your dates has been successfully changed, you will see a success message at the top of the screen.

Home / 7.0 My Profile / 7.2 My Settings / 7.2.2 Set Key Dates

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