6.7 Deleting a File

Home6.0 Files / 6.7 Deleting a File

The “Delete” button enables you to delete an uploaded file.

To delete a file tap on the “Delete“ button on the “File Details” page.

File Details page

On the Delete modal, tap on the “Delete“ option to finish deleting the file.

Delete Modal

You should be redirected to the “Files List“ page where you can see the file no longer accessible and the file details should show a strikethrough and be greyed out.

The file entry on the “Files List“ page should show a strikethrough and be greyed out.

NOTE : You can only delete a file if you have uploaded/created it. You cannot delete a file if it was shared with you by your health provider. This is visually represented with the “Delete“ button being greyed out and not accessible.

Home6.0 Files / 6.7 Deleting a File


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