2.4.3 Access Public Content

Home / 2.0 App Home / 2.4 My Team / 2.4.3 Access Public Content


This section provides a guide and instructions on accessing the public content by any of the health care providers in your care team in the app.

STEP 1: Navigate to Public Content

Tap the “My Team” menu option from the top 3 menu tabs on the Home page.

List of your Health care providers

Tap on the organisation entry whose public content you would like to access from the ‘My Team’ list to reach their ‘Details’ page

Organisation’s details page

From the sub menu/tab options available in the middle of the Organisation’s details page, tap on the “Information” tab to access the public content section of the individual health care organisation.

STEP 2: Access public content from your Health care provider

Depending on what the health organisation has chosen to make publicly available, the content is categorised and displayed according to the different Content types under the “Information” tab. Tap on any content you see here directly to access them. More information on Content types can be found here -

Home / 2.0 App Home / 2.4 My Team / 2.4.3 Access Public Content

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