5.6 Calendar and Timelines
STEP 1: Navigate to Timelines
Log in to the app and reach the Home screen. Click on the Calendar and Timelines on the home page or the calendar from the bottom of the page.
STEP 2: View the upcoming events
You can view the upcoming dates of the index events. The list is listed in order from index event that is soonest to index event that is most distant in time
Events that can be listed under the upcoming dates are:
Feature or send a document/video/questionnaire/form/task/message
ICON: The content icon of the actioned content.
DATE: Date the content was featured
TITLE: The title of the featured content.
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Send a Reminder
ICON: reminder icon. (Theme Yellow Colour)
DATE: Date the content was featured (Theme Yellow Colour)
TITLE: The title of the featured content.
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Send an alert
ICON: alert icon (Theme red Colour)
DATE: Date the content was featured (Theme red Colour)
TITLE: The title of the featured content.
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Completed form:
ICON: file-edit-tick-regular
DATE: Date the form was submitted
TITLE: The title of the completed content.
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Completed task:
ICON: tasks-tick-regular
DATE: Date the task was submitted
TITLE: The title of the completed content.
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Completed questionnaire:
ICON: question-circle-tick-regular
DATE: Date the questionnaire was submitted
TITLE: The title of the completed content.
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Stage transitions
ICON: new icon attached: pathway (purple)
DATE: Date the stage transitioned
TITLE: “New Stage: {Stage name of the stage that has been transitioned into}”
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Index event dates are listed (PAST AND FUTURE). This is additional data, and the only data that we will show that is potentially in the future.
ICON: calendar star icon (purple)
DATE: Date of the index event
TITLE: “Your {Event title} is today”
SUBTITLE: Pathway title
Step 2: Open the Calendar
The tab has a calendar at the top. This calendar is fully functional and has the ability to select a month from the “Year” button, and a day from the “Month” button
The calendar shows a green circle on the days that have an event listed for that day
The calendar shows a purple circle on the day that has an index event falling on that day
STEP 3: Click on the information icon
Clicking on the information icon as shown below triggers a modal with two tabs List and Calendar that provide the complete description on how the calendar and timelines wok. Refer the below images.
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