5.3 Library
This outlines the step-by-step procedure of the Document Library in the app
STEP 1: Navigate to Library
Log in to the app and reach the Home screen. Click on the Document Library on the home page or the Library from the bottom of the page.
STEP 2: Current Stages
In Current Stages, an app user can view all the relevant content(documents/videos) that aligned with the different procedure pathways. Here the user can view all the content belonging to the different stages of the pathway.
STEP 3: Entire journey
Users can click on the "Entire Journey" Tab of the Library page to be directed to their Entire Journey page. The Entire Journey will display each Pathway with the Pathway’s Description. Each Pathway is separated by a thin grey line.
User can click on a Pathway title to be directed to a new page under the Library which will show
1) Pathway title
2) Each Stage of their pathway
Note: A purple icon is displayed to indicate the current stage in the pathway.
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