5.4 Check-In

5.4 Check-In


This outlines the step-by-step procedure of the Check-In in the app

STEP 1: Navigate to Check-In

Log in to the app and reach the Home screen. Click on the Check-In Forms on the home page or the Check-In from the bottom of the page.

STEP 2: Current Stages

In Current Stages, an app user can view all the relevant forms, questionnaires, tasks that aligned with the current stages of the journey.


STEP 3: Entire journey

Users can click on the "Entire Journey" Tab of the Check-In page to be directed to their Entire Journey page. The Entire Journey will display each Pathway with the Pathway’s Description. Each Pathway is separated by a thin grey line. 

User can click on a Pathway title to be directed to a new page under the Check-In which will show

  1. Pathway title

  1. Each Stage of their pathway

Note: A purple icon is displayed to indicate the user’s current stage in the pathway.


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