Cross Linking a Field

Cross Linking a Field

To cross link a Field:

  1. Ensure you are in the correct Organisation, and Space.
  2. From the Space viewSearch for the Document's name, or navigate into a Document Category that contains the Document.
  3. Open the Pages section after clicking on the document name.
  4. Click on Edit Content to open up the Page Editor
  5. If you don't have a Section in the document - Add a Section.

  6. Once the Section is added, click the to Browse all Fields 

  7. From the drop-down menu, select Linked Field which will be the final Field to select from the menu. Alternatively, you can Search for a Field Type in the search box.
  8. Select the Document you wish to link from the Document list and click Continue

  9. Select the Page that contains the field you wish to link from the Page list and click Continue

  10. Select the Field that you wish to link that is contained in the respective page in the respective document and click Continue
  11. The following screen will display a Summary of the field that was just linked. Check the Document, Page and Field are all correct before clicking Save
  12. You have just linked content from another Document and Page in your current page that you're editing. You can preview the linked content by clicking the Preview side-panel

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