2.3.2 Lost Password
This section outlines the lost password feature of the dashboard and how to reset the password for a Super Admin/Hospital Admin and Professional User.
STEP 1: Click on “Lost password”
On the login page of the dashboard, if you do not remember your password then click on the “Lost password?” link, as shown below.
STEP 2: Forgot Password
Clicking the lost password navigates you to the “Forgot Password” page where you need to enter your e-mail address to receive an authentication code. Click on “Submit”, as shown below.
STEP 3: Verify the authentication code
Enter the authentication code received sent to your phone number via SMS and click the “VERIFY” button.
STEP 4: Reset new password
Now you can enter your new password, and confirm the password. Click the “RESET” button to reset your account with the new password.
Note: Make sure your new password is between 8-30 characters and contains at least one uppercase letter, one digit and one special character.
STEP 5: Login with new password
Once you have reset your password, you will be directed to the dashboard login page where you can enter your email-address and new password, like shown in STEP 1. Another authentication code will be sent to your phone, make sure to verify your login as shown in STEP 2.
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